954-452-4949 steve@stevebass.com

Energize Your Meetings

How many meetings did you attend last week? If you’re like most of corporate America, the answer is probably “a lot!” The vast majority of us tend to spend a huge amount of our workday in meetings, some as much as half the day. That’s a lot of time to be in a conference room!

And, the only thing worse than a long, drawn out meeting is one held in a stuffy room with poor functionality and little comfort.

Efficiency experts have a lot to say about how to restructure meetings to make them run more effectively, but few take the time to consider the room itself. Here are some tips on creating a conference room where your employees want to be.

image is of Scale NOMAD Sport Conference TableBefore committing to any changes, it’s important to recognize the functionality of the room. Do your meetings tend to be round robin or instructional? Does your group shuffle around or stay rooted in one spot? The answers to these questions will facilitate your furniture selection. If the group often moves chairs around or swivels them to look at screen presentations, chairs on casters that are easily portable are the best option.

As for tables and surfaces, it’s important to consider not just the size, but also the usage. A large conference table is best for conventional meetings. If you have more classroom-type meetings, a u-shaped piece that easily and comfortably directs people’s attention is ideal.

Image is of the KRUG V2 MODULARThere are other considerations beyond the right table and chairs that create an inviting meeting space. For example, do you need storage for meeting supplies? Do you need whiteboards for communication and task assignment? What about power sources for interactive technology?

Well-designed meeting rooms can significantly enhance the meeting experience for everyone, putting attendees at ease, encouraging conversation, and enabling creativity. With these suggestions and the help of Alliance Corporate Services, you can make your workplace one where clients and employees enjoy spending time. Contact us so we may help you create the perfect space.